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When you have neck pain, a chiropractor can make a big difference in your pain and stiffness. At Arlington Wellness Chiropractic Center, we provide treatment for our patients in Arlington and the surrounding areas. Our goal is to reduce or eliminate your neck pain, so you can live a more active, healthier life. Chiropractic care can help ease your symptoms, and restore your cervical spine function to reduce your neck pain.

How Treatment for Neck Pain Works

Your first appointment includes an evaluation to determine the cause of your neck pain. Dr. Masri will assess the alignment of your cervical spine, and look for areas where you have tightness. Your range of motion is measured, and you will discuss any symptoms you are experiencing. Treatment works by aligning your spine, reducing inflammation, and improving your range of motion.

Your Chiropractic Appointments Over Time

It is common to see a chiropractor for neck pain several times a week in the early stages of treatment. When you are just getting started with a chiropractor, understand that consistent appointments have better results. Each session builds on the previous one, and it is important to keep seeing the chiropractor as you are healing. Once you have reached the maintenance phase of treatment, you might see our chiropractor once a month or so. Treatment takes time, and you can expect to see the chiropractor for several months in the beginning.

Contact Our Chiropractor in Arlington, TX

If you are ready to see a chiropractor for your neck pain, contact Arlington Wellness Chiropractic Center for your first appointment with Dr. Masri. We are ready to help you manage your neck pain, and get you on the path to natural healing and pain relief. Call our team today at (817) 472-7700 or reach us through our website by using our online

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